<aside> ☝ The previous 2D Dancing Character prefab has been replaced for this new much simpler prefab.
This prefab consists of a 3D character intended to display audio responsive animations. The character has two possible states: Idle and Dance01. It will change from Idle to Dance01 according to the audio Input it receives.
The Band Frequency slider allows you to control which range of frequencies your object will respond to. The closer to zero, the lower the pitches will be.
The Audio Controller component indicates which audio controller in the scene will your object respond to.
The Threshold slider Indicates the minimum value that the band buffer has to exceed to make the object react. It ranges from 0 to 1.
<aside> ☝ In the next updates we will keep upgrading this asset so it can support more animations.
For more insight, contact us at: [email protected]