This is a prefab that contains a pooler and the manager of the tiles. This game object is the core of the asset and just by dragging it to the scene you can start working with it.

The main script of the asset is Endless 2D here is where the manager of the tiles lies.


  1. Level Biomes is the first available parameter. It can handle multiple scriptable objects that contains all the information of the background that will appear.
    1. If you want your background tile to change, add multiple biomes to the level biomes array. The manager will iterate between them depending on the Biome duration parameter of each biome.
    2. To know how to create a the background info click here.
  2. Move Plane is the two axis where your tiles will move. You can change it before play mode and see how the grid changes its position

<aside> ☝ In order to have multiple biomes in the manager, make sure all the biomes have the same number of rows, columns and layers.


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