Setting up Shader Graph:

In order for the ShadedObject, you need to install Universal RP, this is not necessary to use the rest of the asset.

<aside> 1️⃣ Go to the ‘Window’ tab on top of the Unity window and select Package Manager.


<aside> 2️⃣ Search for ‘Universal RP’ and if not installed, install it.Inside the folder Graphics of the package, create an Universal Render Pipeline. Two files must appear after creation.


<aside> 3️⃣ Inside the folder Graphics of the package, create an Universal Render Pipeline. Two files must appear after creation


<aside> 4️⃣ Go to Project Settings, found on the Edit tab.


<aside> 5️⃣ Go to Graphics and link the Pipeline created on step 4 to the ‘Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings’ parameter.


<aside> ☝ NOTE: if you are importing the package into an already started project and after installing the Universal Render Pipeline the scene turns pink, you only need to upgrade the project materials into Universal RP Materials.
