Unshaded Object is the main component of this asset. It lets you build your own audio visualizer and customize it to please your likings.

Its behaviour controller can be divided into this main Tabs:

🔊 Audio Tab

In this tab you can modify the audio input the object will receive.

The Band Frequency slider allows you to control to which range of frequencies your object will respond to. The closer to zero, the lower the pitches will be.

The Audio Controller component indicates which audio controller in the scene will your object respond to.

The Threshold slider Indicates the minimum value that the band buffer has to exceed to make the object react. It ranges from 0 to 1.

📏 Scale Tab

These parameters allow you to control how the scale responds to the sound’s pitch. The ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ checkboxes are for setting on which axis the object’s scale will be modified. If none of these are checked, the object will keep its original size.

Scale Multiplier establishes the sensitivity to which the scale is going to respond. Note that the higher the value of this parameter, the greater the change of the object´s scale.

🔄 Rotation Tab

The parameter’s objective is to control the rotation of the object.

If the Rotate checkbox is selected, the object will be rotating according to the sound clip in whichever axis you decide.

The Speed Multiplier parameter establishes the sensitivity to which the rotation speed is going to respond. Note that the higher the value of this parameter, the faster the object will rotate.

The color behaviour of the object is controlled by these parameters. To be able to change the color of the object according to the pitch volume, the checkbox Color must be selected. Else, Color Start will be the object’s default color. Color Start will be the rendered color when the project starts. As the volume increases the rendered color will be changing, getting every time closer to Color End.

This tab also allows light to be emitted from the object. In order for the light to respond to the sound clip, set the Glow control checkbox to true (tick it). To change the emission color, the Glow Color field needs to be altered. To adjust the intensity of the light emitted, the field Glow Intensity needs to be changed.