Audio Visualizer Asset Documentation

1.3.0 release


The purpose of this asset is to provide the user with a tool that allows them to visualize audio using two main components: an Audio Controller (gets an audio input), and also whether a shaded or unshaded object with configurable properties. If your project uses URP one of our prefabs can work with it. However, if your uses the Built-in Render Pipeline, the project can also work. Steps for setting up the project with Universal Render Pipeline are presented below.

Before Starting

The asset has two demo scenes for you to test it, the first one is called ‘DemoScene’, play it to have a preview of what you can do with this asset without installing Universal Render Pipeline (Universal RP).

The second scene is ‘SGDemoScene’ and previews how the project works using Universal Render Pipeline (Universal RP).

Installing Universal RP is only necesary in order to use the ‘ShadedObject’ prefab, however 'UnshadedObject’ prefab has the same features and works in the Built-in Render pipeline

<aside> ☝ If you are not familiar with what Built-in Render Pipeline and Universal Render Pipeline are you can visit their documentation.




Setting up URP

Have fun! 🙂


For more insight, contact us at: [email protected]